Set in the rural and urban communities of Nigeria, the Records of Udenna tells the story of two young lads whose adventurous and ambitious spirits lead them through the dust of their clay huts in the village to the glass offices of big conglomerates. A story of motherly love, sincere friendship, and unwavering tenacity. After settling down and arriving at the peak of their careers, when disaster looms in a friend’s home, only a close one can recover his friend and save his home from disintegration. A journey that explores the cost of forgiveness. All these while subtly admiring the culture and discipline of a lovely people.
The Records of Udenna
Set in the rural and urban communities of Nigeria, the Records of Udenna tells the story of two young lads whose adventurous and ambitious spirits lead them through the dust of their clay huts in the village to the glass offices of big conglomerates. A story of motherly love, sincere friendship, and unwavering tenacity. After settling down and arriving at the peak of their careers, when disaster looms in a friend’s home, only a close one can recover his friend and save his home from disintegration. A journey that explores the cost of forgiveness. All these while subtly admiring the culture and discipline of a lovely people.
Category: Fiction
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