10 Reasons why Consistency is important.
10 reasons why you are not happy and what to do
7 simple elements of an effective schedule
A note of gratitude
The Cracked Pot (a short story)
Threshing wheat at the winepress: Gideon as a case study
A Lean Soul as seen in Psalms 106 verse 15 (Part 2)
Learning the tongue of the Chaldeans: Part 7 of Divine Influencers
What Is Your Life’s Blueprint? Speech by Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
A lean soul as seen in Psalms 106 verse 15 (Part 1)
Skilful in wisdom: Part 4 of Divine influencers in Babylon
Aka Chukwu di ya – God has a hand in it
How to recall forgotten dreams from God
My Father knows how much I can carry
The Price of Wisdom
The Counsel of Ahithophel
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they may never sit.
Lessons from the selection process of the seven deacons of Acts 6 verse 3
Re-start from your mindset
The Five Principles of Green Pasture – Shepherd series
Lessons from Ahithophel, the wise man whose counsel failed (Part 2)
The Curse of Instability: Reuben as a case study
No experience is too small for your CV
Several times, we tend to think that having a perfect CV is a function of having great…
The Chinese word for crisis and the Igbo Proverb
I really need to tell this story because I think it’s important… I don’t…
Focus on Today
Live in day-tight compartments William oslo Thoughtful planning and preparation for the…
The eyes are useless for a brain that doesn’t see
The visual pathway (that is, the pathway for sight) is made up of various structures (the…
AVOID THESE: Part 4 of the 7 Strange Secrets to Success.
In all the secrets I’ve enunciated so far (1, 2 & 3), …
Some decisions are hard to take and very uncomfortable too
Some decisions are hard to take and very uncomfortable too. But we take them, with the hopes…
Freedom begins the moment you realize
“Freedom begins the moment you realize someone else has been writing your story and it’s…
Permanent hormonal decisions: Judah as a case study
Decisions we make when hormones rise can become permanent. The story of Judah in Genesis…
I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause
I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause: Which doeth great things and…
Ask, and it shall be given you: Matthew 7 verse 7
The teaching of Matthew 7 verses 7 through 11 is part of the greatest discourse of Jesus…
Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you
To Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you is a higher level of love.…
You’ll hardly make progress nor achieve success in any field of endeavour without…
What you see in others is often a reflection of who you are
Some people get confused and make mistakes when they meet people for the first time.
8 things that show that you are not Consistent
In the previous episodes of this series, we considered:
The origin and definition of…
Illusion of competence is ignorance in reality
Illusion of competence is ignorance in reality