As I read Proverbs 20:30 today, I was quickly reminded of an experience I had over a decade ago. Years ago, I was assigned to a surgical department for my…
I’ve realised that certain occurrences in life are not a result of any curse upon one’s life or demonic influences but direct consequences of one’s actions. It’s interesting to observe…
During these periods of self-doubt, and some sort of imposter syndrome, I am encouraged when others around or distant can help me see the abilities and future realities I can't see.
Over the period I have observed why people are not happy about their lives, careers, and the rest. What I saw was that there were a few thieves who always broke through the window to steal their happiness.
One thing that builds people and helps them have long-lasting relevance is the presence of regulatory mechanisms put in place by them or by external bodies to which they must be subject.
Jesus painted a sad picture in Matthew 13:13. He told his disciples the reason he spoke to some people in parables was that they assumed to see while they lacked sight; they assumed to hear while they lacked auditory perception.
You are in the middle of a constant power tussle between two important entities. Not really a power tussle, seeing that these two beings are busy enjoying themselves.
What are some parameters you employ in the choice of friends and relationships in general? Are these parameters only on the category of affinity or do they also include efficacy?
While we would love to be understood and treated the way we are, we must move a little closer to others to understand them better and maybe shed a little bit of our extremes to
Many bodily functions are under an individual's direct conscious control. However, there are other functions that do not require your conscious effort.
Dr Martin Luther King Jr spoke from his heart, he spoke of his dream, he spoke of something that has evidently sedimented in his heart over the years, which he succinctly captured in that four-letter sentence, "I Have A Dream."
So neutral yet deeply influencing. Not in a haste yet not resting. One of the beautiful things about time is its ability to reveal certain behind-the-scenes and cause us to appreciate or bemoan what in them were done
The process of fitting together, the action of smoothening out the edges, and the procedure of perfect alignment are not as seamless and pain-free as we make them sound
In the management of life, understand that quite often the results we expect don’t depend on us. If everything depended on us, then, we won’t need faith, prayers and dependence…
Several times in life, we are keen to revive past things - industries, soured relationships, dilapidated buildings, old traditions and observances, childhood experiences and the rest. While this is lovely and can be so much fun in some way, other times we are left with regrets as we become disappointed with the latter result of what we attempted to revive.
Each day, life presents us with several gifts, but it’s our choice to accept or decline the offers. Do you know how good your day would be and how much…
For some years, when I heard some people talk in conferences or teach in the Church even, I'd wonder why they talk about certain things. It felt quite repetitive to me listening to certain topics treated in some webinars on leadership, finance, family, education.
A few weeks ago, we were in an unscheduled meeting of a few individuals. We were discussing on various issues that bother on health, business, and spirituality. As the discussion…
Sometimes, we’re just tired of thinking. I mean, we are tired of our minds running here and there. I don’t know if it’s decision fatigue, but you observe that the…
It’s better to underpromise and over-deliver than the opposite. Our Lord Jesus gave a parable of the two sons whom their father asked to go labour in the vineyard for…
A physician that smokes while promoting abstinence from cigarette smoking and tobacco use. A Christian that counsels others to always fast and pray while he's busy eating six-round meals per day and sleeping 8 hours per night. A marriage counsellor that advises others to visit a therapist often, although she has unsettled marital issues at home and never visits one. A politician who legislates on important anti-COVID health measures but often violates the same rules he made because 'well, he's above the law.' A teacher that hasn't read a new book in 5 years but every day shouts to his students to study.
Some time ago, I was talking with someone that wanted to learn something about the signs and symptoms his relative was experiencing. I asked for more details on when they…
We live in an era of much consumption but low retention.We consume more information than any generation did but we retain fewer facts.We can read a post talking about the…
Many people don’t realise that what you say about yourself is more important than what other people say about you. People can say all manner of things about you, but…
When feelings drive your life decisions. Feeling, mood, emotions, sensations, guts, etc are the words we often use to answer the why question. ‘Why did you act that way?’ ‘I…
The number zero is quite a strange but interesting number; it’s neither negative nor positive. It seems useless and useful depending on the situation. You can’t count 1 without counting…
While writing this article, I had titled it: “Please if you wouldn’t mind, can we talk about you but not about me?” because that pretty much sums up the entire…
Magna Carta Libertatum, arguably the most important and famous charter of the last millennium in western history, is a document that stands internationally as a symbol of Liberty. Originally drawn…
One mistake many people make in life is to form a habit where wrong things become their refuge in times of stress. It gradually becomes a sort of reflex action,…
Too many love songs, lots of love sermons, a sea of love novels, love films and symbols signifying love. But too little or no love within and without. It is…
Find that one person that believes in you. I was chatting with someone a few days ago on the subject of motivation. What motivates us could be so diverse because…
Last night, I was just going through my experiences this week. And I discovered that most of the experiences I had this week were similar in many respects to the…
One of the things that the coronavirus pandemic has taught us is that life situations can box entire continents into isolation, with everyone very careful not to come close to,…
Sometimes, it’s actually right to leave. Now, I’m a firm believer in ‘sticking around to get things fixed’; I have done that almost always. But there are times we need…
Nega potus Before you think [that] I’m about to write something on POTUS, please check the title again. It says potus, not POTUS, the latter being the President of the…
The humanity and Courage of Darnella Frazier, who filmed the death of George Floyd – I can’t breathe. Today, I want to take some time off my usual blog posts…
“A cry was heard in Ramah— weeping and great mourning. Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be comforted, for they are dead.” Matthew 2:18. You know, it’s always easy…
One of the best things that God did during creation, as well as one of the greatest risks He took, is this: giving man the ability to think, to reason,…
The poem that kept Nelson Mandela through 27 years in prison. This is the famous poem that Nelson Mandela kept reciting while he was in prison for 27 years between…
No one sees the need and pain you don’t express – Raise your hand or voice. As I write this article my heart bleeds. Something happened yesterday which broke me.…
Changing opinion is a sign of maturity. At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, I had an appointment with one of the public offices. I recall that morning…
Have you ever been to a cemetery? Please, I don’t wish to remind you of the painful exits of your loved ones, friends and colleagues – that’s not the intention…
The loneliness of success So, finally, you’ve reached the peak of the mountain. That dream you’ve worked on for decades has finally materialised. You’re now on television, your songs are…
There was this advert that was placed on the wall of the Oncology institute close to where I lived some years ago. Each morning as I went to the hospital…
I was in a voice chat with someone some months ago; we were pondering the political situation in the world. As the chat progressed, he began to draw a sharp…
if the economy of the land fails, the economy of believers will be affected. If there isn’t peace in the land, we won’t have peace. If there’s a health emergency and the government releases decrees/orders, as a church we are affected as well. So, it’s good to pray for Goshen’s protection, but it’s better to pray for the land, that the hand of the Lord be stayed from the evil He has determined to unleash.