A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they may never sit.
The Five Principles of Green Pasture – Shepherd series
The Curse of Instability: Reuben as a case study
The Price of Wisdom
A lean soul as seen in Psalms 106 verse 15 (Part 1)
Lessons from Ahithophel, the wise man whose counsel failed (Part 2)
The Counsel of Ahithophel
Aka Chukwu di ya – God has a hand in it
Learning the tongue of the Chaldeans: Part 7 of Divine Influencers
Skilful in wisdom: Part 4 of Divine influencers in Babylon
7 simple elements of an effective schedule
10 Reasons why Consistency is important.
Threshing wheat at the winepress: Gideon as a case study
10 reasons why you are not happy and what to do
Lessons from the selection process of the seven deacons of Acts 6 verse 3
What Is Your Life’s Blueprint? Speech by Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
My Father knows how much I can carry
A Lean Soul as seen in Psalms 106 verse 15 (Part 2)
The Cracked Pot (a short story)
How to recall forgotten dreams from God
A note of gratitude
Re-start from your mindset
Results Attract People
As long as you operate in this world, results will always command respect. People come for…
Nnem Oma – Dearest Mom (Part 2)
As I passed by an African (ethnic) shop yesterday evening, my olfactory bulb perceived an…
Death never dies. So does Life| Random thoughts of a stressed man
You are in the middle of a constant power tussle between two important entities. Not really…
A leader should simplify his vision, concepts and strategies
Some things in life are complex, and rightly so because there is no way of making them less…
I still trust you
Dear God,Sometimes I’m tempted to rush to the end of my story because the process…
You can be fruitful because you are seed-full
In Genesis 1:28, the Bible tells us this, “And God blessed them, and God said unto…
The Blessings of my Father’s Sacrifice
“My son, I cannot pray to the God of my father but you can. Whenever you’re in…
Pause and act on that idea
There's something I've begun to practise lately which I wish to share with you.
What did you see when you looked?
God to Abraham: “As far as your eyes can see will I give to you and your seed…
What a man sows, he shall reap.
In life, some people often assume that things happen on their own. That everything is about…
5 things that kill and bury exceptionally talented people
There are four things that kill highly talented people: yea, five that bury them: 1. Pride…
The Fitting Procedure is not Pain-free
The process of fitting together, the action of smoothening out the edges, and the procedure…
Those who want to succeed but don’t know what to do| Coach Series 2
This category includes those who are willing or interested in making an impact or just…
Own Your Happiness
Each day, life presents us with several gifts, but it’s our choice to accept or…
That thing you heard of a Powerless God is a Lie
That thing you heard of a Powerless God is a LIE. HE is still the same God that raised Jesus…