The human cell is so wonderfully created that, as it performs its daily functions, one of its objectives is not to dispend energy unnecessarily. The cell wants to be highly efficient in conducting its functions even as it’s efficacious. When certain functions are unnecessary, it reduces them to the basal level and focuses on the ones that should be active. And when they are needed, it turns them on again. It does this to conserve energy.
We all know the popular saying that givers never lack. That is true because God and people will always reward the person who gives in multiple ways. However, if we go beyond just giving money and delve into other forms of giving, we discover that givers can lack when they are not receiving. Or when they don’t have time to recover from the energy they have dispensed. The risk of the helper becoming the helped is high when he doesn’t have time to refill.
The Juice
There’s this interesting thing that happens with neurotransmitters when they are released by the first (presynaptic) neuron to synapse with the second (postsynaptic) one. Neurotransmitters are like messengers that your nervous system sends to deliver messages to other parts of your body.
Within the space of a few milliseconds, the neurotransmitter has done its work of passing the information (in the form of an electric impulse) to the other neuron (in the form of a chemical signal). After its function has been effected, in most cases, what the nerve cell does is degrade this neurotransmitter by an enzyme and reabsorb its components.
When next the neurotransmitter is needed, the cell simply synthesises a new one using part of the substrates it has recovered from the degraded neurotransmitter. Besides the absence of much wastage, an important advantage here is that the cell conserves energy. Simply put, the cell reuses some of the constituents of the degraded neurotransmitter to synthesise a new one. This way, energy consumption is greatly reduced.
In this fast-paced world where everyone is chasing multiple goals, the risk of burnout is high. In this earthverse or metaverse where we are hungry and thirsty for more and more material stuff, we must spend time to recuperate. Some functions need not be constantly turned up to the highest. It is fine to stay off social media for a day. It is completely okay to not check your email first thing every morning. It’s perfect to put your device in flight mode when necessary. You must not talk with the world all the time. It is okay to take some days off, away from the hustling and bustling of life. Rest. Reuse and Recuperate.
Dear reader who works seven days a week, giving your physical and mental best for 10 -15 hours daily, please, when do you rest to recuperate the energy you expended? Are there ways you can conserve energy? Can you rest some aspects of your life so you can recuperate better? What better ways can you do things to save energy? Can you reuse instead of complete disposal?
Even your internet browsers have learnt that keeping all the tabs active is detrimental to your computer system in the long run. So, once you leave a tab for a while, they render it inactive to conserve energy.
Rest when you can.
Reuse what you can.
Recuperate as you can.
Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow with a fresh article. Make sure to share, and God bless you.