A couple of weeks ago, we began a series on the important habit of consistency. In that article, we saw the origin and definition of consistency. We’ve seen previously that sustained results require consistency.
In this article, we shall go through the importance of consistency. We shall list ten reasons why consistency is very important as an individual, a business owner, a leader of an organisation or even as a student.
10 reasons why Consistency is important.
Life is largely governed by principles, not miracles and certainly not feelings. Miracles are divine, supernatural acts that God grants to us daily. Now, when God grants you the miracle of being alive and well, your act of appreciation is to consistently work on the purpose for your creation.
Basing your entire life on miracles is asking God to do things [that] He has given you the ability to do. The miracles will come when you consistently work on the things your hands find to do, not when you’re lazy.
1. Consistency is the foundation for long-term achievements:
Your dreams will remain dreams if you are not willing to be consistent over a long period. Consistency is a necessary ingredient in achieving long-term goals. As I often say, it’s good to dream, but you must wake up to actualise them.
2. Consistency enables you to develop new habits:
Trying to form a new habit can be difficult because you’re used to certain habits already; your body and mind feel comfortable in those default habits. So, when you try to create a new habit that is different from what you are used to, your body and mind will rebel. However, when you do something consistently over time, you’ll notice that the new habit will gradually replace the old one. And it becomes a routine.
3. Consistency helps you build momentum:
When the aeroplane is about to take off, it has to go down the runway for a few kilometres before flying. This operation helps the plane to accelerate long enough to gain the speed required for it to lift into the air. That’s the same with consistency; it allows you to build the momentum you need to accomplish your goals. Without consistency, you’ll keep running around with little or no results.
4. Consistency helps you become disciplined and develop self-control:
One way to become disciplined is to do something over time consistently. Actually, consistency and discipline work hand in hand; you can’t train yourself to do things in a controlled manner if you don’t do it repeatedly. And you can’t be consistent if you aren’t disciplined.
5. Consistency builds self-confidence:
When you consistently work on your goal, you acquire the elements that generate confidence in yourself and your abilities. And confidence (not arrogance) is important in becoming successful. Doing something well consistently will help inspire self-confidence.
6. Consistency helps you differentiate what is important from what is not:
When you are not consistent with the pursuit of your goals, everything goes. After all, you don’t have goals, no schedules, no focus, and you’re not bothered about tracking your progress. But once you become consistent, you’ll understand the value of time and the importance of planning. So, all that is necessary towards getting your goals accomplished will naturally take their rightful place on your priority list.
7. Consistency sustains accomplishments:
Your results stop where your consistency stops. Or rather, you’ll begin to diminish the moment you cease being consistent. So, to consolidate the gains you’ve made and progress to greater heights, you need to remain consistent.
8. Consistency attracts admiration:
You may not really be in a quest for men’s applause, but it’s inevitable to attract admiration when you’re consistent. People love those who consistently work on their goals, no matter how little the efforts may seem.
9. Consistency inspires those around you:
As a leader or even as an individual with no leadership role, your consistency indirectly rubs off well on those around you. When you consistently work on your goals, the people around you are inspired to be consistent in working on their craft as well. Consistency begets consistency.
10. Consistency opens doors to opportunities:
You can be highly talented, but if you aren’t consistent, no one will call you when new opportunities show up. People love to invest in talents that are consistent over time because that’s a guarantee for a return on their investments. Also, even if you aren’t so talented but consistently work on the little you possess, God and people will reward your efforts with opportunities.
Small daily improvements are the key to staggering long-term results.
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Related article: 11 Things you must know about Consistency
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To consolidate the gains you’ve made and progress to greater heights, you need to remain consistent…..
I completely agree. Indeed, consistency begets consistency
Thanks for reading. Let’s remain consistent.
Great article. Thanks
Thanks for reading.