Whenever you set out to achieve a worthwhile goal, always bear in mind that consistency is a necessary tool to carry along. Also, whenever you see the first results begin to trickle in, you must never allow yourself to be distracted by them. What got you there was consistency, and it is consistency that will sustain it.
Some people get so excited when they see some bit of hypertrophization of their biceps or pecs (pectoral muscles), or when they notice some regression of their belly fat, that they stop training. They feel satisfied and for months they’ll stop training.
The results you gained can quickly dissipate if training, healthy eating and adequate rest are not sustained. You can’t alternate between junk and healthy foods and expect to lose weight.
You can’t show up to the gym when you feel like and then disappear for months. It’s better to train for 45 minutes every three days than train for two hours every two months.
So in life pursuits just as in fitness, consistency is key. No result is guaranteed if not constantly worked on. You need to always work on your goals because the risk of slipping back to the old you is always lurking around the corner.
It’s consistency that guarantees both initial and continued success in your chosen field of endeavour.
Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow with another dose of inspiration.
For bookings, kindly write to us via mail or any of our social media platforms. God be with you and have a lovely day.