Last night, I was just going through my experiences this week. And I discovered that most of the experiences I had this week were similar in many respects to the ones I had the previous week. My life is so pretty much routine that one can actually guess where I can be at certain hours of the day, except for contingencies and occasional appointments here and there.
I also saw that some of the mistakes I made this week were the same mistakes I made the previous week. And I thought to myself, “maybe I should spend more time rehearsing my week so I don’t repeat these mistakes.”
Each day as we wake up and cycle to work, school or even stay at home, there are so many things we see, hear, say and observe. From those experiences, we learn some valuable lessons. However, seeing that we often overestimate our ability to recall stored information, we just keep going presuming that the lessons will in some way sediment in our subconscious and jump out when needed.
Well, that’s not mostly the case. Your subconscious needs to be taught to store information in a certain way and to pull up the files when needed. And one of those ways is to keep a journal of your most valued weekly or daily experiences and the lessons/decisions that were byproducts of such experiences. Ask yourself, “what were my experiences this week?” What lessons can I learn from them?” “Are they worth storing?” If yes, make a few sentences to recall the specifics of those experiences and add below each one the lessons learnt.
Sometimes, we neglect the lessons that experiences teach us, only to regret later that we never applied them when necessary. I promised myself not to make that mistake anymore.
So, here is me asking you to do the same in case you weren’t doing it already. Keep a short or long weekly journal of your experiences and the lessons you learnt from them.
God bless you and have a lovely weekend.