A couple of months ago, one of my readers contacted me to find out how he can overcome forgetfulness with his dreams and visions. According to him, he cannot recall them again when he wakes up. I imagine he is referring to dreams/visions from God, not just dreams generated by one’s mind or Satan.
In this article, I will share some tips that could help you recall God-given visions or dreams.
When Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2 forgot his dream and demanded to recall it, what did he do? He summoned all the magicians, astrologers, sorcerers, and Chaldeans to reveal the dream and the interpretation to him. When he saw that they were unable to comply with his request, he threatened to kill them.
Daniel had to call his brethren, and they all went to make a prayer of mercy that God would show them the dream and the interpretation. Daniel specifically referred to the forgotten dream as a secret. God, through the means of vision, showed Daniel the dream that the king forgot and gave him the interpretation as well. When Daniel arose from sleep, he remembered both the dream and its interpretation.
7 tips to recall forgotten dreams
1. So, the first tip is a prayer of mercy like Daniel and his fellows did, asking God to show you mercy to reveal the secret again to you (Hebrews 4:16). The magicians, astrologers and others could not access the Giver of Dreams because they did not know Him. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him (Psalm 25:14). Therefore, if you are a person who fears God and keeps his commands, God will show you the forgotten dreams again once you come with a prayer of mercy. Remember that God can speak to you again through visions or any means of his choice.
2. Another thing that could help you remember the dreams/visions is to be spiritually alert, fellowshipping with God’s Spirit as you conduct your daily life. Sometimes, we forget our dreams, but as we go about our daily activities, certain events help us recall pieces of the dreams we had a night or a few nights ago. If you are in sync with God’s Spirit, he will help you get all the pieces together. The Bible tells us that the Spirit of God knows the things of God (1 Cor. 2:11). So, be a person who lives in God’s presence even while busy with your daily routine. The Spirit of God will whisper to you at some point.
3. Have your writing materials or audio recording device close to you when you are about to sleep. Full dreams or their parts are easier to recall immediately after you wake up than after several days. So, once you wake up, try to record what you saw by writing or making an audio recording. A few details are often there when you wake up, but if not recorded, you will likely forget them soon. Also, keeping calm for some minutes before jumping off your bed could help you recall what you saw in the dream. Just note what you remember and follow the other tips to help with the rest.
4. Spend time with God in studying His word. You may not recall the dreams, but God’s Word (the Bible) is a more sure word of prophecy and a light in a dark place (2 Peter 1:19). The words of the Bible are more trustworthy than any dreams you may have seen or will ever see. As you spend time in God’s word and intimate prayers, through the scriptures, God can tell you what He said to you in the dreams/visions which you have forgotten. Even if you do not eventually recall the dream, the message in it will get to you through the voice of God in His Word.
5. Schedule your quiet time immediately after you wake up. Make it a routine to speak with God first thing in the morning. Since He just spoke to you in a dream, wake up and respond by thanking Him. Then, ask Him to clarify what He just said. Tell him that you did not get the message. The disciples of Jesus in Luke 8:9 asked him to explain the parable he had just spoken, and he obliged them. Just like he called young Samuel a few times before Samuel understood through the counsel of Eli (1 Samuel 3:3-10), God can speak to you until you gain clarity, knowing full well that you are a man who has limitations (Psalm 103:14). He is a loving Father, and he will answer you, especially when there is a message He wants to pass through that dream or vision.
6. Pray against the spirit of forgetfulness that comes to take away the dreams/visions of God from you. Dreams and visions can be likened to seeds that God gives his children for encouragement, correction, teaching, reproof, instruction in righteousness or as a form of prophecy for future occurrences. Basically, God-given dreams are His words to you. Satan, obviously not happy with the seed being sown in your heart, will attempt to steal it the moment you wake up (Luke 8:12; John 10:10). So, war against the devil responsible for taking the word of God to you. Rebuke the thief in the name of Jesus (Philippians 2:9-11).
7. If after doing the above you are still unable to recall the dream, simply go on worshipping God and commit all into God’s hands. That you cannot remember a dream/vision does not mean that God cannot (Genesis 8:1). Through prayers, reject every plan of the devil and embrace the good things God has for you. Continue to build yourself spiritually and physically in preparation for where God is taking you. The truth is that you will have multiple encounters with God in the course of your walk with Him, and no power of hell can successfully withstand God’s plan from fulfilling in your life and through you.
I pray that God opens your eyes to know Him and walk with Him better as you read and meditate on His word. God bless and keep you.
Have you forgotten and later recalled your dreams? Kindly share how you were able to recall them in the comments section.