In the previous episodes of this series, we considered:
8 things that show that you are not Consistent
In this article, we shall briefly point out what consistency is not. So, if you’re doing any of the things listed below, you aren’t being consistent.
1. Consistency isn’t a hit-and-run attitude:
A hit-and-run attitude is when someone shows up enthusiastic about a thing and disappears immediately after. If you show up for a training today and eclipses afterwards until after three weeks, you aren’t being consistent. If you study today and don’t study again until after three months, you aren’t consistent. Basically, if you do a thing once in a while, that is not consistency.
2. Consistency is not irregular
Consistency isn’t hit once retreat twice, then hit again and retreat three times. Some people base their life entirely on feelings and emotions, so they only do a thing when they feel like it or are in the mood. So, they would do a thing for a few days and then you wouldn’t see them again for several months. They come back with so many excuses and restart. After some time they’d disappear again for several weeks/months. No, that is not consistency. Consistency isn’t irregular.
3. Consistency is not planning.
Inasmuch as planning is good and fundamental to building any sustainable project, planning is not consistency. Yes, you’ll need planning at the beginning of any worthwhile journey; yes, planning is a vital part of your journey towards consistency, but planning per sè is not consistency in itself.
4. Consistency is not dreams.
It’s great to have dreams, ambitions, goals and objectives. But you can’t be consistently building castles in your dreams and nothing in reality. Consistency is not inaction and laziness; it is not just a dream.
5. Consistency is not inflexibility:
Yes, firmness in your pursuit is an important element of consistency. But being inflexible in your schedule doesn’t automatically equate to consistency. There are other variables that must be taken into consideration. Also, there are times when certain changes are needed to maintain quality and regular output – consistent results.
6. Consistency is not exaggerated flexibility.
Flexibility and adaptability to whatever comes up in the pursuit of your goals are important qualities. But when flexibility is exaggerated it becomes inconsistent with consistency. Exaggerated flexibility takes away regularity which is an important element of consistency. It could even result in continuous postponement and changes in schedules that makes your goals a mirage. So, no, exaggerated flexibility is not consistency.
7. Consistency isn’t the volume of output
The volume of your output needs to be good and should be measured but that isn’t necessarily consistency. You can produce so much today but nothing tomorrow. So, volume or quantity per sè isn’t consistency, except when there is a target volume that you meet irrespective of the number of days you effectively worked.
8. Consistency is not disunity or lack of uniformity
When the things you do towards the accomplishment of a certain goal are disjointed and lack any sense of uniformity or direction, you are inconsistent. Your goal can’t be to become the greatest footballer but you’re always smoking, heavy drinking and partying every night. Check the activities you constantly engage yourself in and see if they in some way lead to your expected end. If they’re not, you aren’t consistent.
READ: 11 things you must know about Consistency
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