In Exodus 7:9, God asked Moses to perform a miracle before Pharoah if he asked for one. This was to prove that God who sent him was powerful and ready to do mighty acts to free Israel. Those miraculous manifestations worked eventually, and Israel was freed.
But in Matthew 4, Jesus explicitly refused to perform any miracles before the tempter. He didn’t want to prove any point to Satan regarding his deity, ability, and authority.
In Numbers 20, we see that Israel on their way to Canaan needed to pass through Edom. They sent messengers to the king to grant them passage, promising not to go through the vineyards and fields, or use their well, but to go through the King’s highway without changing course. The king of Edom refused and instead came out to fight Israel with many soldiers.
God changed their course and asked them to follow a different direction. No fights. No struggles. He asked them to follow a different route to their destination.
However, in Numbers 21:21, a similar event took place with the king of the Amorites. Israel made the same request and offered the same promises. The king refused and came out with his soldiers to fight Israel. This time God strengthened Israel to war, and they defeated the Amorites and took over their cities.
The above examples illustrate that a given strategy that God asked one to use at one point may not be the same strategy to use at another point. And the strategy God asked a friend or mentor to use to address a given situation may not be the same for you to address similar situations. Therefore, it is needful to hear from God regarding your matters – whether to prove a point or not to; whether to fight or refrain from fighting.
God bless and keep you.