Risk-taking attitude is a quality of successful leaders.
In my previous articles on the seven strange secrets of success, I discussed the mindset of successful people. Specifically, in chapter 5 of that series I talked about the three important mindsets that anyone who desires to succeed must possess.
One of such mindsets is the risk-taking mindset, which isn’t a careless or uninformed attitude of throwing darts hoping that one would hit its target. But a mindset that understands the principle of multiplication and fruitfulness.
Leaders are expected to make informed decisions that are based on statistics and best practices. Good organizations have structures in place that allow them to get feedback from their clients; collate data on the performance of similar organizations or products and look at precedents before rolling out a new product or making investments.
However, most often than not, you’ll find that the terrain you wish to launch into haven’t been ‘blazed’. That you are the pioneer in that sphere. So, how do you make informed decisions that are based on statistics when there is little or no data available?
This is where fear and excessive prudence could cripple a dream or where foresight and risk-taking attitude of a leader could come in. At this point, accurate timing is key.
So, successful leaders know the figures, the statistics behind what they want to do but their decisions are not solely informed by those. If everyone based their decisions on just what is obtainable, then there won’t be trailblazers.
Successful leaders go beyond the figures, taking risks that might fail or sail through. An essential part of leadership should be that you are not afraid to fail.
This is an excerpt. Make sure to read other articles on this blog, comment and share.