Look around you; the things that you focus on determine the products of your life.
Life has a way of giving you back whatever you give it. It is one of the oldest principles of life. Also known as the principle of seedtime and harvest as declared by God in Genesis 8:22, it was even there at creation when God asked what he created to reproduce after its kind.
Whether you know it or not, it is a matter of time before you begin to reap what you have sown.
If you plant seeds of maize, you’ll expect maize cobs in a few months.
The same applies to focus, both on tangible and intangible things. Whatever you focus on continually will give its reward.
If you always focus on exercising your body, it will pay you back with a well-toned body;
if you focus on a given aspect of personal development, you get better at it with time;
if you focus on studying the Bible, praying and right living, it pays you back after a while;
if you focus on nurturing your marital relationship, it will pay you with peace and harmony.
Whatever you constantly spend time with will yield its pleasant or unpleasant fruits during the time of harvest.
Therefore, when you see undesirable products, sit back for a while and check what you have been planting. You may discover that your focus has been on the wrong things.
The beautiful thing is that daily life gives you an opportunity to correct your focus, thereby correcting your products. Even addictions can be broken, and a new life started.
God bless you.
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i´m gay black and rich