Knowledge is probably one of the most emphasised keys to success. And I mean success in all spheres. This is exemplified by what Jehoshaphat did in the third year of his reign as king of Judah. 2 Chronicles 17:7-9 tells us that Jehoshaphat called his princes, the Levites and priests and sent them into all the cities of Judah to teach the people.
This was unprecedented in the entire nation of Israel that a king instituted a national teaching and learning exercise with a defined curriculum and teachers to accomplish it. He understood that if he must have a national reawakening, the people needed to be taught the same thing, and the right thing.
Why did Jehoshaphat do that?
Because when people don’t know what they ought to know, they cannot do what they ought to do. The backslidden state of the nation was due to the lack of knowledge about who God is and what he demands of his people.
When God is unknown, chaos results. When God’s demands are unknown, disobedience becomes a lifestyle.
In the book of Genesis, we learn that in the beginning, there was chaos until God came and brought light and order. So, when God is absent, confusion is present. And when his laws are unknown, lawlessness becomes a norm.
Who are you?
Ignorance makes you unaware of your potential. Judah didn’t know their story and so shook at hearing of the noise of the enemies. Sometimes, your history reveals what you are capable of. You get to know your capabilities by hearing your story. What your forefathers overcame and how they triumphed could reveal the abilities in you. So, Judah lived below their potential.
You only know what you are worth if you know who you are.
The son of the rich man in Luke 15 knew who he was. He was a son, and a son has rights and privileges. After the wastage resulting from his riotous life – which made him prodigal, he again remembered who he was and decided to go back. He was still the son of his father, irrespective of his prodigality. The question is: who are you?
Whose are you? Who made you?
The absence of knowledge of the law of God also showed that Judah lacked understanding about whose they were. They lacked an understanding of God. Remember that Asa, the father of Jehoshaphat, in his last years, rejected God’s message and messenger, and even when he was sick, he never trusted God for healing.
If the king is opposing God, the land cannot seek to know God. So, Jehoshaphat’s attempt at spiritual revival had to pass through helping the people understand whose they were.
Returning to the example of the prodigal son, the prodigal son knew whose he was, so he demanded what was his, knowing that his father was capable of granting his demand. Also, after years of prodigality, he returned to his father because he knew that his father still had so much wealth that even his father’s servants fed and lived well.
Knowing your Creator (whose you are) builds and consolidates confidence. I ask again: Whose are you?
Peace all round
God caused his fear to fall upon the surrounding nations that they didn’t go to war against Jehoshaphat. When a man’s ways please the Lord, God makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Peace was one of the most important things these people needed having fought many wars under Asa. Knowing and following the law brings peace. Furthermore, there is wisdom that comes upon anyone who keeps God’s commandments. Such wisdom supersedes the wisdom of the enemies – Psalm 119:98.
All forms of riches
One interesting thing about knowledge is that it makes you rich, first in knowledge, which then translates to material wealth when rightly applied. The prosperity of God’s children is tied to their knowledge of God and in following his instructions. The Bible says that the Law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the decrees of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple. After the people were rightly taught, God not only favoured the land with plenty, but he also made the surrounding nation of Philistia bring presents of silver and flock. A spiritual reawakening that made the land physically rich. The knowledge and application of the law of God leads to success, as God told Joshua. The law of God restores your spiritual state and brings wealth to you.
When you begin by knowing God, he restores your relationship with him, helps you discover your potential, aligns your path to destiny, gives you riches and grants you peace so that you and your possessions are secured.
Know Him. Know you. Enjoy the blessings.
Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow with a fresh article. Make sure to share. God bless you.