“Greatness is a lot of small things done well. Day after day, workout after workout, obedience after obedience, day after day.” Ray Lewis.
Returning to our illustration of the gym, today we’ll see how obtaining a given result often involves a combination of several factors.
In our first inference from the gym illustration yesterday, we saw that whenever you set out to achieve a worthwhile goal, you should always bear in mind that getting lasting results takes time. This is because there are processes that must take place before we’re able to reap the fruit of our investment.
Generally speaking, life is governed by principles. And when these principles are applied, the results are often predictable. It, therefore, means that if you aim for certain results, you must discover the principles governing that aspect of human endeavour and engage them.
You must do the right things well to get the right results.
Getting a well-toned body or a flat tummy is a function of various elements; it’s not simply about going to workout, although that’s a principal element in the equation. You have other variables like understanding dieting and eating the right meals, training the right muscles, doing the number of reps needed and following the right pattern that guarantees results etc.
Let’s assume you want to have broad shoulders, training only your biceps all day you won’t get there; you must train the right muscles on your shoulders and back to have that. Also, eating all the junk foods won’t help in your journey to a flat tummy; you’ll be wasting precious time at the gymnasium. Having enough rest is also vital in your journey because muscle-building actually takes place during rest.
Success in life is many right things done well.
Now, in life, just as in body exercise, good results aren’t always a consequence of one thing but a contribution of several variables. It is not enough for a student to attend classes, he or she must study to pass exams; it’s not enough to have a great business idea to become successful, you must consider other elements; you won’t become great at work because you have all the hard skills necessary, you must acquire the soft skills too.
So, life is not a simple linear equation but a quadratic equation, where many variables interact to give the desired result. The only thing is these variables follow certain laid down rules, that when applied, guarantee a given result.
So, have that in mind when chasing your dreams; most times, many things contribute towards achieving your goals. Know those variables and factor them in when planning.
As the Holy Scriptures say, “Through wisdom, a house is built,
And by understanding it is established;
By knowledge, the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches.” Proverbs 24:3-4.
Right results are products of doing the right things well.