He who deliberates fully before taking a step will spend his entire life on one leg.
Chinese Proverb
Thoughtful planning for the projects we wish to accomplish is important; we’re able to look at the project from various perspectives, looking at our resources and how much the project would cost, the time of completion, factoring in whatever contingency we can imagine.
In fact, Jesus in Luke 14:28 advises us to sit down and carefully plan before deciding to build the tower. So, wisdom demands that you count the cost before embarking on that major project.
However, if we considered all the things that could go wrong in the course of its accomplishment, we would be paralysed. If we waited for when all the human and climatic factors would perfectly align, we wouldn’t move our fingers.
This is why Solomon in Ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 says, “He who watches the wind [waiting for all conditions to be perfect] will not sow [seed], and he who looks at the clouds will not reap [a harvest].
So many people keep waiting for the right moment to do something: the ‘right moment’ to pursue their dreams; to start their own business, to study, to pray and evangelise, to exercise, to write a book etc. Waiting for all the weather conditions to be favourable is a recipe for paralysis.
Except you’re working under specific divine guidance, if not, THE RIGHT MOMENT IS NOW! It’s Today, not tomorrow!
Those dreams you’ve had for years, those ideas that you’ve incubated for months, that inspiration that you’ve been hoarding, it’s time to birth them. It’s time to plant them as seed.
Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow with another dose of inspiration. God bless you.