While reading the verse we’re about to consider, I thought to myself “O how God is angry with all those who despise Him and claim to have known it all. By their words and actions, they say that those words enshrined in Proverbs 1 verse 7 are lies. They fail to realize that the last thing that will ever happen is for God to lie.”
Tonight let us take a careful look at Proverbs 1:7 (MSG):
Start with God —the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning.
The above verse is a divine principle that we must work with. Just like the principle that was announced by Jesus in Matthew 6:33.
You see, although these verses look simple and easy to recite, they are like deep wells that when properly harnessed supplies all our needs in this life and guarantees access into the next.
Solomon opened this verse (Proverbs 1:7) with a simple clause “Start with God.” He enjoins us not to search for who or where to go to. He straightly says, “go to God first”; for He is the Author, Maker, Beginner and Initiator of life and all learning/knowledge.
This is dissimilar to the conventional wisdom where we are asked to start with our ideas, dreams, plans, friends and families, known personalities or school and all that.
Here, Solomon made it very clear that God, who is our maker and designer, says that once we come into this world, the first thing to do is to report to His office for a proper tutorial on how things work here. He is not just the Man that controls the earth but He is the Creator, and as such governs the affairs of every living and non-living thing that inhabits it (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16-17)
The success of a thing largely depends on the foundation, the beginning, how it was started. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus compared obedience to His Words to two houses that were built on two different surfaces. Because the foundation of one was on the sand, it was swept away by the flood and wind, but the other stood firm because it had a foundation that was laid on the ROCK.
So, do you want to learn anything? Do you want to be successful on this terrestrial ball? Here is the secret – bow to God and He will reveal the true knowledge that leads to greatness to you. Bow to Him and you can stand before any man.
Unfortunately, fools will continue to despise this rule. They think that the source of knowledge, wisdom and understanding is found outside God. And the Bible correctly defines a fool as one that thinks that there’s no God (Psalms 14: 1). I pray you not to tail the part of fools.
Did you enjoy these nuggets? Please do share with me what you learnt from this passage. I’m curious to learn from you as well. Tell me in the comment section below.
God bless you and good night.