The overall chocolate market rose 13 per cent between 2010 and 2015 to hit $101 billion, according to Euromonitor, a market research firm.
According to CNN, in 2014 the cocoa industry was worth an estimated $110 billion a year. It’s may a bit less or more now.
Also, according to Erste Asset Management, Cocoa is the main source of income for 5.5 million small-scale farmers, many of whom live on less than $1.25 per day.
In fact, only 3% of the 110 billion dollars get to the farmers, who work in terrible and unhealthy conditions, according to Oxfam.
Although the developed and fast developing countries (especially in Europe, Asia and North America) consume over 90 per cent of the chocolate produced every year, chocolate largely exists because of Africa.
In fact, about 70 per cent of cocoa, the major ingredient for making chocolate, is grown and harvested in Africa! — Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon.
In this video, I go into detail to show how a young African can get into this for personal and national development.
I explain how and where you need to start, including partnering with others; having a long term aim in mind etc.
Kindly click on the video for a detailed analysis of this market. Make sure to check out other inspiring articles on this blog.
God bless your endeavours.
I love this. Thanks D
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