If you desire to build a successful business or build a successful team at the workplace, you must define your values and stick to them.
Values often emanate from our beliefs, our culture, our upbringing and experiences as well. They could be honesty, integrity, accountability, being respectful, peace-loving, keeping to our words, being environmentally conscious, etc.
Instilling these values in your team would mean that you’ve imbibed these values as a person. It makes it easier to transmit because you aren’t simply talking, but also doing. It’s your lifestyle.
When they become your values, you must endeavour to instil the same in your team. Because values guide our behaviour, attitudes and how we relate to one another. So, if your team doesn’t have the same values, the organization will suffer.
How to build and promote values in the workplace
1. Alignment in values should be an entry requirement. I know that a rich CV is what most employers seem to be bothered about, but working with someone whose values do not align with yours can be more frustrating than working with less-skilled personnel in the long run. When values are aligned, the employee feels comfortable working for the organisation and the organisation benefits.
2. You must communicate these values when a member joins your team and during your meetings. These values must be constantly reminded. Repetition helps these values settle in the subconscious.
3. Make these values visual and displayed in strategic places. Write the company’s values and paste them around the workplace – the elevators, TV monitors, the walls, the canteen, the restrooms, boardrooms, meeting halls, work desks etc. Attach these values to the company’s official email accounts.
4. Hold workshops/training where these values are taught and/or reminded on a regular basis.
5. Let everyone come up with ideas that highlight the core values of the organization.
6. Ask team members or employees to develop projects that depict these values.
7. Show the benefits of these values even in the personal lives of your team members or employees.
8. Recognise and reward employees who work according to these values.
Successful people are very clear about their values and try to hinge their lives around them. Define your values correctly and hinge them around God. It’s a principle that works.
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