Coincidence is the language of the Spirit
The American Heritage Dictionary defines coincidence as a sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged. The keyword in that definition is accidental. So, events that happened by chance, unplanned, serendipity, as some would say.
Several times in the journey of life, we are faced with the battle of attempting to decipher if a sequence of occurrences was a coincidence or if there is a plan behind it. And this does not exempt believers who pray to and trust in God.
In Isaiah 7:10-14, we see God asking Ahaz to demand a sign to prove that God will protect him from the fearsome armies of Syria and Ephraim. King Ahaz of Judah exhibited some piety but was immediately met by God’s word telling him that He would give him a sign irrespective of his response. King Ahaz got a sign that would ultimately be fulfilled in the birth and ministry of Jesus Christ. One would wonder: was it a coincidence that Ahaz’s false piety led to such a supernatural sign, or was it arranged?
With God, there are no coincidences as it is with man. One thing that would help you in your journey with God is understanding and believing that happenstance is a language of men to describe something that may be a language of the Spirit. If you asked God for a sign, believe He heard you and will answer you. It will amount to doubt attributing to coincidence God’s divine orchestrations, irrespective of how natural and simple such occurrences may appear.
Some signs could be supernatural that even unbelievers would exclaim, “This is the finger of God.” The sign of the immaculate conception stupefies and will always stupefy believers and none. The same applies to the sign of the dew coming on or around the fleece kept outside by Gideon in the book of Judges.
In Genesis 24:12, we see the servant of Abraham, Eliezer making a simple prayer. His prayer was so simple that one could have thought the answer that later resulted from such prayer was a coincidence. But it was not a coincidence because God heard his sincere heart cry and that of his Master Abraham, and made sure that, before Eliezer was done praying, Rebekah was the first to arrive and agreed to his demand.
To a critical spectator, the arrival of Rebekah would be termed a coincidence, and her decision to give drink to Eliezer and his camels a simple act of kindness. “After all, Rebekah had left her father’s house to the well, and was a kind lady. She would have served drinking water to anyone she met at the well. So, there is no big deal in what just happened,” a critical mind would say. He would not understand that these actions are divine answers to the prayers of Eliezer. But a faith-filled Eliezer knew it was an answer to his prayers, not a coincidence.
My desire with this article is to make you realise that ordinary things that happen to you daily could be the answers you are looking for. The signs you are asking for could be in the apparent natural occurrences. If you are not careful and spiritual, you will miss them. If you are doubtful, you will question them.
But faith and spiritual understanding changes your perspective. To other people, it is normal that it is raining today because the weather forecasters said so, but to you, it is a sign from heaven. To others, it is natural that the weather is hot at 7 am because it is summer, but to you, it is a confirmation of what God told you while praying. To others, it is a coincidence that the yellow car drove past at 8 am, but to you, that is a divine sign of healing and restoration.
Understand that things that may seem normal or a coincidence may represent the divine sign that God is giving to you or to someone of something that would happen at that time. It depends on what God told the person while praying, sleeping, and reading the scriptures.
Signs must not necessarily be so bizarre and abnormal to be termed supernatural. They can seem natural, but they are still signs from God, and an attentive believer will grab them. Every day, God uses natural things for His supernatural purposes. Be attentive, and you will get your signs.
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